Sunday, December 29, 2019

Essay On Charter School - 1735 Words

When looking at these charter schools their idea for student evaluation and student one-on-one development is important to focus on. Referring back to Edwards Middle school, which is a public school, who are creating reforms that follow these guidelines have seen tremendous improvement in their students’ academic test scores. Edwards is not the only ones who are implementing these innovative practices in the public school environment. There are currently around 1,000 schools across the United States currently expanding learning time (Gabrieli 1). At Palmer Park Preparatory Academy, in Detroit, they are creating a private school atmosphere while individually tracking each student’s progress. Their focus is on scheduling, which focuses on†¦show more content†¦Partnerships are also an important aspect when it comes to funding districts for longer school days. At Edwards Middle School, the non-profit organization Citizen Schools offers students apprenticeships. The se apprenticeships create great opportunities for students to develop a sense of what they want to pursue in college and in life. Other partnerships such as Play-works help, with what might seem non-significant, fund physical education in schools where the burden fell upon special education teachers. Nevertheless, it costs around an additional $1,100 to $1,500 per student to fund longer school days, so it crucial for schools to network with other organizations. These connections help schools with the financial weight of adding more hours to the school day. Furthermore, it is crucial for schools to make connections and partnerships in their communities, which helps make the transition from regular school hours to an extended schedule. Looking overseas, there seems to be a huge academic gap when it relates to worldwide standardized testing. One country that is dominating the world in academics is Singapore. Singapore has realized how much education is valued and how importan t the teachers are in the classroom setting. However, there have been speculations in how their students have prepared for these exams. InShow MoreRelatedCharter Schools Essay1610 Words   |  7 PagesCharter Schools: The Future of Education? For decades the American education system provided parents with three choices: public, homeschool or private school. If they chose public then their child(ren) would be assigned to a school past on where they lived. However , â€Å"in the early 1990s a handful of states created independent public charter schools, providing opportunities for teachers and others to develop innovative schooling options â€Å" (Palmer, Louann 2007). Not only did the creation ofRead MoreCharter School Essay1130 Words   |  5 Pagesher support of charter schools, which are publicly funded and set up by teachers, parents, or community groups, outside the state school system. Charter schools are for-profit and there is overwhelming evidence that charter schools are no more successful than traditional counterparts. Mrs. DeVos also campaigned unsuccessfully in Michigan, where she is a wealthy Republican Party donor and a former Michigan Republican Party chairwoman, for loosening of the oversight of charte r schools. Less oversightRead MoreEssay on Charter Schools987 Words   |  4 Pagesdebate on school reform in the United States. The charter school model was an idea for educational reconstruction. These charter schools insured the continuing improvement of schooling (Budde, 1989). In 1991, Minnesota was the first state to pass legislation to create a charter school. In 1992, Minnesota opened the doors of the first charter school in the United States (â€Å"Resources,† 2012). Since then, Charter schools have gained wide spread acceptance across the United States. Charter schools are independentRead MoreCharter Schools Essay880 Words   |  4 Pagesthe structure or learning environment of the charter schools. These statistics do not support the claim made by supporters of charter schools because the students are two completely different types of students. For a statistical analysis like the one done by the FLDOE to demonstrate that charter schools improve the test scores, the data must be taken with exactly similar subsets of students, in order to use these statistics as evidence that charter schools are improving education. This is not the caseRead MoreCharter School Analysis Essay1703 Words   |  7 PagesSince the first charter school opened in Minnesota in 1992 (Minnesota Dept. of Education Website), America has seen charter schools move from a fringe educational alternative to an accepted and useful tool in public education. 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Whether this alternative is a better solution to the public schools is the argument. Public schools can be just as creative as charter schools. Public schools are funded by our tax dollars, which ultimately the United States Government decides where those funds go. Education should be the last thing to be cut in the budget, but unfortunately, we the people do not have a choice other than the public offices whom we hope will do what they have s aidRead MoreDevelopment in Charter Schools Essay1883 Words   |  8 Pagestook hold when the American Federation of Teachers adopted the idea and set up the first â€Å"Charter Schools† in Minnesota in 1991. These were the first of many charter schools in the Unites States. (NEA - Charter Schools.) The dilemma that many people face is determining how charter schools are different from traditional public schools and if the academic success rates at these schools are higher than public schools. Studies done by both independent and governmental groups have concluded with varying resultsRead MoreCharter Schools vs. Public Schools Essay1341 Words   |  6 PagesCharter Schools vs. Public Schools Are charter schools the right choice to the educational needs of our children? Charter schools are tuition free public schools created and operated by parents, organizations, and community groups to fill student’s educational needs. Charter schools consider educating their students as the priority, and identify how children’s learning needs are different from each other, so they came up with different ways on educating their students such as learning in small groupsRead More Traditional Schools versus Charter Schools Essay2100 Words   |  9 Pagesknown as traditional public schools and nontraditional schools. Nontraditional schools provide students with different learning environments compared to traditional schools and some specific examples of these schools are magnet schools, charter schools, and virtual schools (Newberry). All of these schools are relatively new and have controversial views across the country. A charter school is a public elementary or secondary school that is independent from the local school district and is able to operate

Saturday, December 21, 2019

A Critical Infrastructure Protection Is Not Just A...

EDM: Case Four Name Institutional Affiliations Introduction Critical Infrastructure Protection is not just a national issue but also a global responsibility. Perl Report introduces the importance of International Cooperation. The accrued benefits increase the desired need to form agreements between nations to share necessary scientific knowledge helpful in mitigating vulnerability. For example, the agreement between German and Homeland Security of the United States provides collaborative measures and internal controls that govern interaction between the two parties. Likewise, Secretary Napolitano’s Letter of Intent projects possible bilateral trade agreements between USA and Qatar, therefore, enlisting mutual benefits. Finally, the paper indicates the effects of the latest natural disaster occurrence. The Federal government has adopted some of the recommendations in the Perl’s Report to deal with the catastrophic situation. Part A Critique of the Report Perl, (2008) presents an interesting report that discusses the terrorist threat to critical energy infrastructure. He goes further to suggest options for a response as well as identify some needs for a proper response. As much as the presentation is precise and easy to understand, the author fails to provide the much-needed evidence to back his thoughts. For instance, he seems to over-emphasize that energy infrastructure is more critical than another unit, yet fails to provide sufficient description of theShow MoreRelatedNational Infrastructure Protection Plan For Implementing National Preparedness1469 Words   |  6 PagesThere are certain regulatory agencies that have oversite of the national grid. These agencies ensure the power companies adhere to the rules and regulations set forth in enacted bills as well as employ security best practices to limit the risk of intrusion from cyber-attacks (Li et al., 2012). 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Finally, the retail services are the end point of the supplyRead MoreCompare and Contrast2790 Words   |  12 PagesCommonwealth Approaches to Developing National Cybersecurity Strategies Steven Falzone University of Maryland University College CSIA 360 Introduction Why is it important that every nation has a cyber security strategies? The past decade multiple company national or international have faced cyber security threats. Either sensitive government information or individual’s information has been compromised. Cyber security issues have developed into a significant national level where now it requires governmentRead MoreDevelopments For Securing The Nations Ports1574 Words   |  7 PagesThe September 11, 2001 terrorist attack brings to attention the vulnerability to terrorist attack on the U.S. ports and the ships in them. 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A global study published by Intel Security and the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) reported that 82% of respondents considered there to be a shortage of cyber-security skills, with 71% suggesting that direct and measurable damage to organizations occurred as a consequence. Moreover, it was estimated that 15% of the cybersecurity positions would remain unfilled by 2020. (Correa, 2016). This paper also discusses another trend â€Å"Cloud computingRead MoreBMGT 110 Final Paper Kelly S Sandwich Shop Case Study 11731 Words   |  7 PagesThe growth of small businesses has been influenced by factors such as growth strategy, business forms, short and medium term goals, financing assistance, organizational structure and staffing needs, customers and promotion, and ethics and social responsibility. In this paper will to discuss how the different factors alter the advancement of small businesses. Kelly’s sandwich concession has been selling sandwich and other lunch items to her customers for the past five years. Though small, her businessRead More Ethics in International Security Essay examples3000 Words   |  12 Pagessurrender some of their rights for increased security. However, the tradeoffs may leave those seeking protection at a disadvantage. While, it is very likely that terrorists are using the internet to communicate and retrieve critical information, it is very unlikely that the government will be able to locate and process this information efficiently enough to provide any manner of increased protection. This is where software companies enter the picture. Software companies have the access and abilityRead MoreEssay on Ethics in Project Management1655 Words   |  7 Pagesones standards to ensure that they are reasonable and well-founded. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Erererere Free Essays

How would you define -specifically- the problem that Altruist is facing? What are the main causes? As It seems, Altos had believed a lot In their success because they believed In the balls they were producing and its quality. With the budget amount far beyond of competitors budget, its management believed that Its success has been secured ultimately. However, it seems like pricing strategy was overlooked. We will write a custom essay sample on Erererere or any similar topic only for you Order Now Quality of the product Is one aspect, and pricing and the way you deliver the product In the market Is another aspect. With the economy going down and many crises occurring time to time, people have become each day more price-sensitive and they often overlook product value. Here communication channels should be used wisely to raise awareness about the value and not only price. If Alts had price as mall competitive Indicator than It risks Its future because other competitors are way more affordable and their main target is pricing-strategy that pushes clients away from Alts. Indeed industry trends speak that the more people are declining their interest in this sport. This also is an indicator that once people do onto perceive this sport as valuable 2. – Would you support the launch of the Elevate product line? Which criteria would you use for the decision? Would you connect the brand name with Altruist? 4. – How would you decide the marketing resources that it needs? If you did not want to launch Elevate, what would you advise Altruist to change in their present marketing strategy? How will different distribution channels view the decision? How to cite Erererere, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Don Giovanni 2 Essay Research Paper On free essay sample

Don Giovanni 2 Essay, Research Paper On Saturday October 16, 1999, the Marsee auditorium played host to the San Francisco Opera and their production of, Don Giovanni. The San Francisco Opera features the universe s major operatic endowments in its one-year season. The San Francisco Opera Center represents a new epoch in which immature creative persons of major operatic potency can develop through intensive preparation and public presentation. Fortunately, for the people of Southern California, these professionals came to us. Don Giovanni, a authoritative opera created by Mozart was performed to its full potency, from get downing to stop. The drama opens with the audiences favourite and most humourous character Leporello, who is Don Giovanni # 8217 ; s servant, functioning ticker for his maestro as he tries to tribunal Donna Anna, the girl of the Commendatore. To understand Don Giovanni, we must understand his positions on adult females and his positions on himself. He is an chesty adult male who tries to kip with every bit many adult females as he perchance can. He sees adult females as olympian, charming, but will demo love to them merely if they fall for his intensive courtship abilities. While seeking to score Donna Anna, she summons her male parent, the Commendatore, who rushes to her defence. The two Begin in a affaire dhonneur in which Don Giovanni slays the old adult male. Upon seeing her dead male parent, Donna Anna and her fianc, Don Ottavio vows decease as the lone retaliation. The following forenoon Leporello and Giovanni run into a jubilation a immature twosome that is traveling to be married. The twosome, Masetto and Zerlina, along with their friends are invited to Don Giovanni s house for a jubilation. However, Giovanni has the purposes of observing entirely with Zerlina, who falls for his sufferings merely until Elivra interrupts Giovanni s game and denounces him taking Elvira off. After recognizing that Giovanni is infact her male parent s slayer, Donna Anna calls for retribution one time once more. Meanwhile, back at the pa rty, while everyone is basking themselves, Don Giovanni once more tries to score Zerlina, merely to do her call out and galvanize everyone at the party. Afraid, Giovanni tries to put fault on Leporello as the 1 who attempted to score Zerlina, but no one believes him. Surrounded and condemned, his decease seems to be upon him.. This concludes act one. Act two begins with Giovanni stating his retainer of his latest secret plan that involves the two exchanging outfits so that Giovanni can hold a opportunity to woe Donna Elvira s amah. This was a instead amusing point in the drama as we see Leporello battle to portray Don Giovanni with humourous ness vacillation and manus gestures. Finally, tired of utilizing his manus to maintain the ness above his face, Leporello uses Giovanni s blade to maintain it up. This brought the biggest sum of laughter throughout the drama. To sum up, others realize that Leporello is portraying Giovanni and allow him get away as they search for Giovanni himself. When both Giovanni and Leporello meet at the cemetery, Leporello tells Giovanni of the enraged crowd that is coming to kill him. A voice is so heard coming from the Commendatore grave statue that describes Giovanni s hereafter. The statue is so invited by Giovanni and accepts. Subsequently, Donna Anna tries to acquire Giovanni to alter his ways but is rejected and scared when the statue of the Commendatore arrives. Don Giovanni is once more told by the Commendatore to alter his ways but denies and eventually is dragged to his decease and to hell by the statue. At the decision of act one, I was impressed with the public presentation so far. Though non really glamourous, I liked the set used for the drama. It was three dimensional, two pillars on the front terminal of the phase, with one major house construction in the dorsum ( seemed to hold a froth or squashy expression, but made of wood most likely ) . The set was fictile, intending the histrions were able to utilize it through the public presentation. It was besides automatic or controlled by remote, holding Windowss and doors open automatically. The lighting of on phase, particularly the visible radiation on the set itself was beautiful. I liked the Washington Y it reflected off the top of the Villa and down on phase. Fog and strobe visible radiations were used every bit good. These visible radiations made the scene where Don Giovanni is dragged to hell one to retrieve. Through the gate, there was a background that had a image or picture of stepss and a fountain ; I liked this since it made the set stick out as 3-dimensional. Through act one all of the performing artists voices were first-class. After all, they are professionals, and being professional agencies that we the audience expect the best. The voices of the performing artists were on cue with the music, they matched the pitches and tones, and rose and lowered on cue. Bing a work of Mozart s I can merely anticipate to be amazed and that I was ; non being a fan of Opera at all. My favourite piece of music was of class that of Leporello when he sings of the figure of adult females his maestro has conquered. It was catchy, it was humourous, and it was performed attractively, Leporello, performed by Vladimir Shvets, made me laugh with his witty wit and his catchy vocal to Elvira, performed by Dana Beth Miller, about how many people his maestro has slept with. Of class with any Opera, the music must be of high criterion. Every instrument soothed in perfect harmoniousness and every pitch or increase in tone was received good on phase. The characters motions flowed with the music, their manus gestures, footfalls, all were in harmoniousness. Don Giovanni, performed by Ricardo Herrera, our chief character was first-class through the drama. Though we see him as a adult male who cares for adult females on as objects of his desire, we still experience for him as a hero. His actions, his grace, his elegance, are features that we hope for in a hero. Another ground why this was such a enormous production was due to the elegance of the costumes. I admit, I am non certain of what people in those times precisely wore, but for this drama the costumes were elegant. They consisted of largely dark colourss that favored Giovanni in many ways. Dressed most elegantly he would have on ruddy when others wore black, he would have on black when others wore green. He ever stood out. Cloaks, nesss, long frocks that poofed out at the underside were all worn. There were outfits that reminded me of royalty, with their colourss and button agreements, were worn by all the work forces in the public presentation ( exclusion of Leporello, who wore what seemed to be a cover or cloak over his shoulders the full drama ) . Hats with white plumes, blades, shiny places, and tremendous gowns were all worn. Velvet, polyester, silk, even rayonss were used to do the costumes themselves. Performance was the ground that this Opera worked good. Having no anterior cognition of Don Giovanni all the histrions seemed to suit their character roles absolutely. Don Giovanni, performed by Ricardo Herrera, looked like the type to be a womaniser, at least in costume, he besides seemed to be chesty. He fit his function good. Vladimir Shvets who portrayed Leporello, suit his portion good. He had the expression of a hapless, mild retainer. His outfit suit his character good, as it resembled shreds or the outfit of the hapless. The three ladies, Donna Anna, performed by Julianna di Giacomo, ; Donna Elvira, performed by Dana Beth Miller ; and Zerlina, performed by Katia Giselle Escalera all had proper costumes that fit their functions decently. Masseto, performed by Eric Jordan, showed that he could sing with small musical Numberss and first category playing as a covetous hubby. His portion after he is crushing by Don Giovanni was possibly my 2nd favourite portion in the drama as he uses his failing to encompass Zerlina. Don Ottavio, performed by Lee Gregory, had a instead little portion but made his presence felt with his repeating voice and beautiful sound. Overall, the Opera was merriment. Don Giovanni, has likely been performed over 1000s of times, some of them good, some of them bad. This was one of the good 1s. Every facet of the Opera was brought out to excellence, was portrayed with self-respect, and performed with award. The histrions were good rehearsed and it showed with an first-class public presentation.